FEFL helps sport and community organizations
We are experienced football trainers who, in the last 15 years, have developed and carried out football projects in more than 20 countries, working with a variety of different organizations. Many of these communities struggle with poverty, gender discrimination and drug addiction. Inadequate funding and lack of space and facilities also limit opportunities to play. FEFL helps give support to sport and community organizations to further develop their sports programs.
A less sedentary, more active lifestyle leads to a healthier and more energetic society with direct, positive effects on school performance. In addition, we focus on organizations in countries that want to use football as a means to improve the physical and mental development of children. We develop a unique program for clubs/organizations, creating a role for the Coach the Coach principle and life skills. Our enthusiastic football trainers, with their years of experience, knowledge and expertise, carry out, in the club’s location, a program where fun, connection and development take center stage.
Our strength
FEFL uses the power of football to attain good health. Physical activity reduces the risks of injury and illness. It encourages starting and continuing an active lifestyle.
FEFL uses football to improve performance in school. Every child has a right to a good education. Our program enables children to develop their life skills no matter their sex, race, sexual preference, ethnicity or religion. Learning to accommodate diversity contributes to every child’s development and wellness.
FEFL uses its program as a means to improve the life skills of volunteers, youth trainers and coaches as well as the leadership within an organization. This offers opportunities for a better position within the organization and the job market.
FEFL uses the popularity and universality of football as an important model for implementation. Football can speed and strengthen networks and partnerships. It unites people and enables them to share knowledge with each other. Through its structural character and through working together intensively, both on a national and an international level, the impact of football on society can increase, allowing social and economic differences to decrease.

Our program
“Everyone who remembers his own education remembers teachers, not methods and techniques. The teacher is the heart of the educational system”
Sidney Hook
– Stimulates children to have an active and healthy lifestyle.
– Improves the life skills of children, coaches, club leadership and parents.
– Offers an innovative sports program in a playful and stimulating environment.
– Supervises and leads youth trainers/coaches to give them the knowledge and expertise to integrate into the existing organization.
– Shares knowledge by growing and strengthening our network and partnership.
– Promotes and exchanges innovative and successful examples of good practice, focused on education, training and youth.
– Organizes events and awareness-raising campaigns to increase community support.
– Contributes to the development of talent, self-confidence and personal development.
– Improves training and match conditions to safeguard children against health and safety risks.
– Battles against unacceptable threats to the integrity of football, such as discrimination, racism, doping, intolerance and match fixing.